


导读:In 1859 the sanctuary of undulating hills bridges and lakes taking shape in the heart of Manhattan was described in

In 1859

the sanctuary of undulating hills

bridges and lakes taking shape in the heart of Manhattan was described in The New York Times as a “noble work

which is so clearly destined to be the honor and delight of New York” Neglect and decline in the 1970s threatened to snuff out that utopian vision of Central Park

but today

after years of restoration

it is verdant and flourishing — the rare tourist destination that is also a pleasure ground for locals Depending on the season and cycle of life

one might be sunbathing or ice skating

sailing a toy boat or rowing a real one

listening to Shakespeare

rock music or the call of one of 230 species of birds

曼哈顿中心区连绵起伏的小山、桥梁和湖泊,渐渐形成了一片世外桃源,它就是中央公园。1859年, *** 称它是“典雅之作,显然注定成为纽约的荣耀与欢愉”。20世纪70年代,这片乌托邦似的景观遭遇了一段时间的忽视与低迷,而现在,经历多年修缮之后,它又变得郁郁葱葱,水草丰美,不仅成了热门的旅行目的地,也是本地人乐于游览的好地方。根据季节与生物的生命周期不同,你可以在公园内晒太阳,也可以溜冰、驾驶着玩具帆船或真船航行,聆听莎士比亚戏剧、摇滚乐或者公园中230多种鸟儿的歌唱。

Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux

Central Park’s more than 840 acres are dappled with sculptures

monuments and fountains that tell of the nation’s explorers

artists and heroes

both real and imaginary: Columbus


Duke Ellington

John Lennon

Alice in Wonderland The park is also home to tennis and handball courts

croquet greens

a carousel

a castle

a mariote theater

a zoo and more than a dozen playgrounds It is crisscrossed by horse-drawn carriages and ringed by astronomically priced apartments

luxury hotels and world-class museums Yet despite its being a kind of three-ring circus

there are quiet trails and hidden nooks

museums and bars within and around the park where one can find a more tranquil

timeless Manhattan

中央公园由设计师弗里德里希·劳·奥姆斯泰德(Frederick Law Olmsted)和卡尔沃特·沃克斯(Calvert Vaux)设计,占地840多英亩,园内星罗棋布的雕像、纪念碑和喷泉讲述着现实与幻想中诸多探险家、艺术家与英雄的故事:哥伦布(Columbus)、贝多芬(Beethoven)、艾灵顿公爵(Duke Ellington)、约翰·列侬(John Lennon)以及漫游仙境的爱丽丝。公园里还有网球场、手球场、槌球场、旋转木马、一座城堡、一座木偶剧场、一座动物园和十几个游乐场。到处都是马车、天价公寓、豪华酒店和世界一流的博物馆。可是,尽管这里像马戏团一样五花八门,热闹非凡,但也有幽径、隐秘的角落、博物馆和酒吧,在公园内外,你可以找到一个寂静而永恒的曼哈顿。



1 Boldface Names | 2 pm

1 粗体的名称 | 下午两点

Download the free Central Park app to your artphone Its map allows you to pinpoint where you are

but more interesting

the app has audio clips of celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld weling you to the Mall and Literary Walk

or Whoopi Goldberg discussing Wollman Rink (where she learned to ice skate) Then

pretend you’re an aristocrat in a Merchant Ivory film and step through one of the iron gates near 105th Street and Fifth Avenue into the formal

six-acre Conservatory Garden (an official quiet zone)

which is divided into three garden styles: French

Italian and English (don’t miss the Frances Hodgson Burt Memorial Fountain with its sculptures of a boy and a girl

created in honor of the author of “The Secret Garden”) In the Italian garden

climb the stairs to the tall wisteria pergola

sit on a shady bench and observe the 12-foot-tall jet fountain below Now is a good time to press play on the app and listen to Candice Bergen discuss the gardens Before leaving

look down At your feet

medallions etched into the ground carry the names of the original 13 states

including New York

在你的智能手机上下载免费的中央公园应用软件。它带有地图,可以精确定位你所在的位置,但更有趣的是该应用里有许多名人的音频片段,比如杰瑞·宋飞(Jerry Seinfeld)欢迎你来到购物中心与文学大道,伍比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)介绍沃尔曼溜冰场,她就是在那里学会溜冰的。然后,假装自己是莫谦特和艾弗里(Merchant Ivory)**作品中的贵族,款款走过第105大街和第五大道附近的一座铁门,就正式踏进了方圆六英亩的保护区花园(一片真正宁静的地方),分为三种园林风格,分别是法兰西、意大利和英伦风。不要错过了弗朗西丝·哈德逊·伯奈特(Frances Hodgson Burt,英语世界著名的儿童文学作家——译注)纪念喷泉,它的雕塑是一个男孩和一个女孩,向该作家的名作《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)致敬。在意大利花园,可以拾级而上,登上一座高高的紫藤绿廊,坐在绿荫下的长椅上,观赏下面能喷射12英尺高水柱的喷泉。现在,打开应用,按下“播放”键,听坎迪斯·伯根(Candice Bergen)介绍这座园林,真是太合适了。离开之前,低头望一眼,会发现你脚下的地面上镶嵌着许多大大的圆形图案,上面刻着美国最初十三个州的名称,包括纽约州。

2 Museum Mile | 3:30 pm

2 一英里博物馆 | 下午3:30

Exit the gardens onto Fifth Avenue through the soaring wrought-iron Vanderbilt Gate

made in Paris in 1894 and once part of Cornelius Vanderbilt II’s mansion at 58th Street Walk South You’re on the aptly named Museum Mile Already been to heavyweights like the Guggenheim Stop by less-trafficked spots like the Museum of the City of New York

where you’ll find vestiges of the city’s younger days

including handwritten manuscripts by Eugene O’Neill And Neue Galerie celebrates 20th-century German and Austrian art and design with works by Gustav Klimt

Josef Hoffmann

Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee Then enjoy a lobster roll ($18) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s self-service roof garden cafe and martini bar (open May through late fall) as the sun sets

走出花园,踏上第五大道,穿过高耸的铸铁制造的范德比尔特大门。这座大门于1894年在巴黎制造,曾经是第58大道上康内留斯·范德比尔特二世(Cornelius Vanderbilt II)城堡的一部分。向南行进,你就到了名副其实的一英里博物馆(Museum Mile)。古根海姆博物馆这样的重量级博物馆你已经去过了?那就在访客较少的地方停下脚步吧,比如纽约市立博物馆,你会见到这座城市年轻时代的许多遗迹,包括剧作家尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill)的手稿。新画廊(Neue Galerie)在举办20世纪德国与奥地利艺术设计庆典,展出着古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)、约瑟夫·霍夫曼(Josef Hoffmann)、瓦西里·康定斯基(Vasily Kandinsky)和保罗·克利(Paul Klee)等艺术家的杰作。这时天色已晚,你可以到大都会艺术博物馆的屋顶花园自助餐厅及马提尼酒吧(营业季从5月到晚秋时节)品尝一客龙虾卷(18美元)。

3 A Southern Crawl | 7:30 pm

3 徐徐向南 | 晚上7:30

Begin at the Plaza Skip the buzzy Champagne Bar in the lobby and climb the stairs to the more-intimate Rose Club

where plush chairs are ideal for tête-à-têtes A Bloody Mary costs $23



you can almost make a meal of free nuts and popcorn (The Plaza Food Hall is a great place to pick up pastries and other treats to eat in the park) Then walk west along Central Park South

peeking into the windows of bars to see what pulls you in

from Whiskey Park to the bar at South Gate restaurant in the J W Marriott Essex House When you reach the Museum of Arts and Design

go to the ninth floor

where you’ll find Robert

a restaurant and lounge with live piano music and views of Columbus Circle Across the street at the Time Warner Center

there are several bars (as well as upscale shops)

including the lovely Center Bar

where you’ll also find live piano music

and Landmarc

which serves casual bistro fare For something fancier

there’s the Stone Rose Lounge

从广场出发,在大堂里活色生香的香槟酒吧门外走过,登上楼梯,走进更加私密的玫瑰俱乐部(Rose Club),里面摆着豪华舒适的椅子,特别适合私人谈话。一杯血腥玛丽23美元,但是……嗨!其实你可以用坚果和爆米花做一顿免费的美餐(广场餐厅是个了不起的好地方,可以选购面点和其他零食,带到公园里吃)。然后沿着中央公园南部路一路向西,从威士忌公园到埃塞克斯豪斯JW万豪酒店(J W Marriott Essex House)内南门餐厅(South Gate)的酒吧,浏览沿途酒吧的橱窗内有没有什么东西能吸引你。来到艺术与设计博物馆之后,去九层,会看到罗伯特餐厅与沙龙,里面有现场钢琴音乐会,还可以俯瞰哥伦布转盘广场(Columbus Circle)的风光。时代华纳中心的街对面有好几家酒吧(及高端店铺)包括可爱的中心酒吧(Center Bar),此地也有现场钢琴演奏,还有地标酒吧(Landmarc),供应家常的小餐厅美食。如果想要华丽点儿的,去石玫瑰沙龙(Stone Rose Lounge)。



4 Early Birds | 7:30 am

4 早起的鸟儿 | 早晨7:30

Bird lovers know that daybreak is magical In the Ramble

a more-than-30-acre maze of boulders and trees

birding is especially rewarding because

according to the Central Park website

it is on the Atlantic Flyway

a migration route that birds follow in the spring and fall Walking its shady arteries

it’s easy to fet that this section of the park is almost entirely man-made: The running water in the stream can be turned on and off as if it were ing from a kitchen faucet (For those who get a later start

the Central Park Conservancy offers kits with binoculars


a guidebook and sketching materials that you can borrow at no charge at Belvedere Castle)

爱鸟人士知道,黎明时分很是神奇。漫步区(Ramble)方圆30多英亩,是一座遍布着岩石与树木的迷宫,在这里观鸟收获格外多,因为中央公园网站上说,该公园恰好位于亚特兰大飞行之路上,而这条路线是大量鸟类每年春秋迁徙时的必经之路。走在绿荫如盖的主干道上,你很容易忘掉公园的这片区域其实基本是人造的,淙淙的溪水可以像厨房水龙头一样随时打开或关闭。对于那些较晚出发的游人,中央公园保护区提供 *** 装备,包括双筒望远镜、地图、旅行指南和素描材料,都可以在观景城堡(Belvedere Castle)免费借用。

5 Into the Woods | 10 am

5 深入密林 | 上午10点

On sunny days

Central Park’s vast lawns are littered with people If you want a little peace — and a hint of the Adirondacks — head to the North Woods Be cautious


as this is a dense

somewhat isolated area That said

the 90 acres of wildflowers


a ravine and a waterfall will transport you to the country These woodlands (another bird-watching hot spot) were designed to block out the skyline and drown out the noise of the city with babbling water And do they ever Little wonder that the magician David Copperfield has said that this is the place he es to when he longs to disappear Look


for the nearby Pool

where ducks nestle on the banks beneath weeping willows Farther north

at the Harlem Meer

you can try catch-and-release fishing

在艳阳高照的日子里,中央公园内辽阔的草坪上总是游人如织。如果你想要一分宁静,见识阿迪朗达克山脉的风光,就去北林(North Woods)吧。但要小心,这个区域内山高林密,与世隔绝。90英亩的野花、树林、一条溪谷和瀑布将会带你进入乡村。这片林地(也是热门的观鸟地)的设计目标是挡住天际线,用潺潺的水声替代城市的喧嚣噪音。确实起了作用。难怪大魔术师大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)曾说,这就是他隐身不见之后想要藏身的地方。附近的湖边柳丝飘拂,成羣的野鸭在岸上休憩。在更北之处的哈林胡(Harlem Meer),你可以试着玩一次捕鱼再放生的游戏。

6 Tasting Menu | 1 pm

6 品尝佳肴 | 下午1点

When you’re in the mood for lunch

walk over to Trump Hotel Central Park and into Nougatine

the elegant yet “casual sister” of Jean-Gees Here Jean-Gees Vongerichten’s prix fixe lunch menu ($38) changes with the seasons but includes an appetizer

main course like seared salmon with corn pudding and cherry tomato salad or anic chicken with ricotta gnocchi

market carrots and Roma beans

and dessert (the warm chocolate cake with vanilla bean ice cream is a must)

想吃午餐了? *** 公园特朗普酒店(Trump Hotel Central Park)的黑脆糖(Nougatine)餐厅。它是让-乔治餐厅优雅但休闲的姐妹店。在这里,烹饪大师让-乔治·冯热里什唐(Jean-Gees Vongerichten)烹制的午餐(38美元)因季节而不同,但通常包括一道开胃菜、煎三文鱼配玉米布丁之类的主菜、圣女果沙拉或配了意大利乳清奶酪、天然胡萝卜和罗马豆角的有机鸡肉及一道甜点(必须品尝热巧克力蛋糕加香草豆冰激凌)。

7 Star Gazing | 3 pm

7 凝视星空 | 下午3点

Next door to the American Museum of Natural History is a giant orb in a glass box: the Rose Center for Earth and Space There are few better ways to spend a rainy day than gazing at star clusters and galaxies during a show at the Hayden Plaarium

or watching an Imax nature film at the museum Speaking of the museum

stop by to marvel at dinosaur fossils and to lie down (go ahead

it’s OK) beneath the 94-foot-long


000-pound fiberglass model of a blue whale suspended from the ceiling


8 All That Jazz | 7:30 pm

8 到处是爵士乐 | 晚上7:30

In the warmer months you can catch a concert or play in Central Park or at nearby Lincoln Center

but any time of year is right for listening to jazz while eating finger-licking fare like a catfish po’boy ($16) or bourbon-glazed barbecued baby back ribs ($24) at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola Part of Jazz at Lincoln Center

this intimate club has table and bar seating

all facing a vertiginous wall of windows behind the performers — almost close enough to touch — that lets in Central Park and the inkling city lights

在温暖的季节,可以去听音乐会,或者在中央公园或附近的林肯中心玩,但一年中任何时候,都可以一边听爵士乐,一边吃令人不停吮指的美餐,比如去迪兹的可口可乐俱乐部(Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola),品尝鲇鱼穷孩儿三明治(16美元)或者波本酱烤仔排(24美元)。这家俬密的俱乐部是林肯中心爵士乐餐厅的一部分,所有餐位和吧台座位都面对着一堵炫目的落地玻璃窗,舞台就在窗前,演员近得几乎触手可及,透过玻璃窗,亦可看到中央公园及城市里璀璨的灯火。

9 Nightcap in the Park | 10 pm

9 在公园里喝杯睡前酒 | 夜里10点

The recently reopened

more rustic (think hunting lodge) Tavern on the Green at 67th Street and Central Park West has an oval indoor bar and fireplace to take the chill out of fall nights For something more romantic

visit the outdoor bar where

beneath glowing lanterns

you can sip drinks with unromantic names inspired by boroughs

including the Staten Island (Cacao Prieto rum

coconut water

pineapple and lime juice; $14)

第67大街和中央公园西部路上最近开张的绿苑酒廊(Tavern on the Green)更加有乡野韵味(想象一下狩猎小屋吧),有椭圆形的室内酒吧和壁炉,深秋的夜晚可将寒冷一扫而光。若干需要更浪漫点儿,就去户外酒吧,在明亮的灯下啜饮一杯名字不太浪漫的饮料,这些名字都起源于附近的地名,比如斯塔顿岛(可可普列托朗姆酒、椰汁、菠萝和酸橙汁,14美元)。



10 Waffles and Row Boats | 9:30 am

10 吃完饼干再划船 | 上午9:30


it’s rife with tourists But do visit the Loeb Boathouse

which opened in 1954 How often can one tuck into maple waffles with warm berry pote ($16) and watch rowboats glide by on a lake — in the middle of Manhattan After brunch

go for a row (boats are $15 an hour; $20 cash deposit required)

没错,1954年开张的楼泊船屋(Loeb Boathouse)内顾客很多,但是一定要去。一边吃着枫糖华夫饼与温暖的浆果蜜饯(16美元),一边观赏湖面上舟楫往来,一个人能有多少次这样的好机会呢,特别是在曼哈顿市中心?早午餐之后,去划船吧(租船15美元一小时;押金20美元)。

11 Walk on the Wild Side | 11:30 am

11 荒野漫步 | 上午11:30


red pandas

and an emerald tree boa are a few of the creatures you may encounter at the Central Park Zoo There are penguin and sea lion feedings

a children’s zoo with a nature trail

and a 4-D theater The zoo is tiny pared with the Bronx Zoo

but it is a delightful way to end a weekend in an urban jungle




1 Conservatory Garden

Central Park

1 中央公园保护区园林

2 Museum of the City of New York

1220 Fifth Avenue; Neue Galerie

1048 Fifth Avenue

Metropolitan Museum of Art Roof Garden Café and Martini Bar

1000 Fifth Avenue;

2 纽约市立博物馆,第5大道1220号; 新画廊,第5大道1048号; 大都会艺术博物馆的屋顶花园自助餐厅及马提尼酒吧,第5大道1000号;

3 The Rose Club

The Plaza

Fifth Avenue at Central Park South; Robert

2 Columbus Circle; Time Warner Center

10 Columbus Circle

3 广场上的玫瑰俱乐部,中央公园南第5大道; 罗伯特餐厅与沙龙,哥伦布转盘广场2号; 时代华纳中心,哥伦布转盘广场10号

4 The Ramble

Central Park

4 中央公园漫步区

5 North Woods

Central Park

5 中央公园北林

6 Nougatine

Trump Hotel Central Park

1 Central Park West;

6 中央公园特朗普酒店黑脆糖餐厅,中央公园西部路1号;

7 American Museum of Natural History

Central Park West at 79th Street; Rose Center for Earth and Space

81st Street beeen Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

7 美国自然历史博物馆,第79号大街中央公园西部路; 地球与太空玫瑰中心,中央公园西部路与哥伦布大道之间第81号大街,

8 Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola

10 Columbus Circle;

8 可口可乐晕眩俱乐部,哥伦布转盘广场10号;

9 Tavern on the Green

Central Park West and 67th Street;

9 绿苑酒廊,中央公园西部路与第67号大街,

10 Loeb Boathouse

Central Park; enter at East 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue;

10 中央公园楼泊船屋,从东72号大街与第五大道进入;

11 Central Park Zoo

beeen East 63rd and 66th Streets;

11 中央公园动物园,位于东63号与66号大街之间;



The Mark (Madison Avenue at 77th Street;)

in a 1920s landmark building

has one of the slickest lobbies around: with a bold black-and-white-stripe floor and modern art

you’ll feel like you’re checking into a gallery; from $725

马克酒店(The Mark,77号大街上麦迪逊大道;)是一座建于20世纪20年代的地标建筑,华丽的大堂在附近数一数二。看着风格鲜明的黑白条纹地板和现代艺术杰作,你会感觉自己入住的是座画廊。房价725美元起。

The Excelsior Hotel (45 West 81st Street;)

steps from the park

the Rose Center for Earth and Space

and the American Museum of Natural History

is in the midst of the action — yet still feels like a low-key

local apartment building; from $159

怡东酒店(The Excelsior Hotel,西81号大街45号;)距离中央公园、地球与太空玫瑰中心及美国自然历史博物馆都只有几步之遥,位置左右逢源,却依然让人感觉是一座低调的本土公寓楼。房价159美元起。

Because he heard noise from the bar 在语法上没有问题,使用coming 表示动作的正在进行。

heard noise coming from the bar: 听到酒吧里传来了噪音。

heard noise noise from the bar: 听到过了来自酒吧的噪音。

3个女孩在酒吧跳脱衣舞时播放的那段音乐叫<The Pink Panther>


其他的:"Feel Good Time"

Written by William Orbit, Beck (as Beck Hansen) and Jay Ferguson

Performed by Pink featuring William Orbit

Produced by William Orbit

Pink appears courtesy of Arista Records

Contains a sample of "Fresh Garbage"

Performed by Spirit

Courtesy of Epic Records

By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing

"Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting"

Written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin

Produced by Chad Kroeger

Performed by Nickelback featuring Kid Rock

Nickelback appears courtesy of Roadrunner Records

Kid Rock appears courtesy of Lava/Atlantic Records

"Rebel, Rebel"

Written and Performed by David Bowie

Courtesy of EMI Records, Ltd/Sony Music Entertainment, Inc

"Danger! High Voltage"

Written by Tyler Spencer, Anthony Selph, Joseph Frezza and Stephen Nawara

Performed by Electric Six

Courtesy of XL Recordings

"Livin' On A Prayer"

Written by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and De *** ond Child

Performed by Bon Jovi

Courtesy of Island Records

Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Anyway You Want It"

Written by Steve Perry and Neal Schon

Performed by Journey

Courtesy of Columbia Records

By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing

"Surfer Girl"

Written by Brian Wilson

Performed by The Beach Boys

Courtesy of Capitol Records

Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"Working For The Weekend"

Written by Paul Dean, Matthew Frenette and Michael Reno

Performed by Loverboy

Courtesy of Columbia Records/Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc

By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing

"A Girl Like You"

Written and Performed by Edwyn Collins

Courtesy of Natural Energy Lab

"I Just Want To Be Your Everything"

Written by Barry Gibb

Performed by Andy Gibb

Courtesy of Polydor Records Ltd (UK)

Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)"

Written by Charles Jackson and Marvin Jerome Yancy

Performed by Natalie Cole

Courtesy of Capitol Records

Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"U Can't Touch This"

Written by Rick James, MC Hammer and Alonzo Miller

Performed by MC Hammer

Courtesy of Capitol Records

Under Licence from EMI Film & Television Music

"Last Dance"

Written by Paul Jabara

Performed by Donna Summer

Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group

Under License from Universal Music Enterprises

"Who Are You"

Written by Pete Townshend (as Peter Townshend)

Performed by The Who

Courtesy of Polydor Records Ltd (UK) and MCA Records

Under license from Universal Music Enterprises


Written by Liam Howlett, Keith Flint, Trevor Horn, Anne Dudley,

Jonathan Jeczalik, Paul Morley, Gary Langan and Kim Deal

Performed by The Prodigy

Courtesy of Maverick Recording Company/Beggars Banquet/XL Records/Mute Records

By Arrangement with Warner Strategic Marketing

Contains a sample from "SOS"

Performed by The Breeders

Courtesy of Elektra Entertainment Group/4AD

By Arrangement with Warner Strategic Marketing

Also contains a sample from "Close To The Edit"

Performed by The Art of Noise

Courtesy of ZTT Records


Written by Liam Howlett, Keith Flint and Maxim Reality (as Keith Palmer)

Performed by The Prodigy

Courtesy of Maverick Recording Company

By Arrangement with Warner Strategic Marketing

"Block Rockin' Beats"

Written by Tom Rowlands, Ed Simons and Jesse Bonds Weaver, Jr

Performed by The Chemical Brothers

Courtesy of Virgin Records/Astralwerks Records

By Arrangement with EMI Film & Television Music

Contains a sample of "Gucci Again"

Performed by Schoolly D

Courtesy of Jive Records


Written by Nicholas Roubanis

Performed by Dick Dale & The Deltones

Courtesy of Dick Dale Records

"Wild Thing"

Written by Matt Dike, Marvin Young and Anthony Smith

Performed by Tone Loc

Courtesy of Delicious Vinyl

"Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang"

Written by Cordozar Broadus, Leon Haywood and Frederick Knight

Performed by Dr Dre

Courtesy of Death Row Records

Under license from Suge Publishing

"Flashdance What A Feeling"

Written by Irene Cara, Keith Forsey and Giorgio Moroder

Performed by Irene Cara

Courtesy of Unidisc Music Inc

"The Pink Panther"

Written by Henry Mancini

Performed by Hollywood Studio Orchestra

Courtesy of EMI Records

Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"The Lonely Goatherd"

Written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II

Courtesy of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization

Soundtrack on Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax

"Sleep Now in the Fire"

Written by Zack De La Rocha, Tom Morello, Brad Wilk and Timothy Commerford

Performed by Rage Against the Machine

Courtesy of Epic Records

By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing


Written by Nicolas Chinn (as Nicky Chinn) and Michael Chapman

Performed by Toni Basil

Courtesy of Razor & Tie Direct, LLC

"Through The Eyes Of Love"

Written by Carole Bayer Sager and Marvin Hamlisch

Performed by Melissa Manchester

Courtesy of Arista Records, Inc

Under license from BMG Special Products, Inc

"Eine Kleine Nacht Musik"

Written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"Looks That Kill"

Written by Nikki Sixx

Performed by Mötley Crüe

Courtesy of Mötley Records

"Born Free"

Written by John Barry and Don Black

"Charlie's Angels 2000"

Written by Jack Elliott and Allyn Ferguson

Performed by Apollo 440

Courtesy of Epic Records/Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd

By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing


Written by Seth Justman

Performed by J Geils Band

Courtesy of EMI Records

Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"Thunder Kiss '65"

Written by Ivan De Prume, Sean Yseult, Jay Yuenger and Rob Zombie

Performed by White Zombie

Courtesy of Geffen Records

Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Cape Fear"

Written by Elmer Bernstein and Bernard Herrmann

"Get Down Tonight"

Written by Harry Wayne Casey and Richard Finch


Written by Scott Kirkland and Ken Jordan

Performed by The Crystal Method

Courtesy of The Crystal Method, Inc

"Sleep Walk"

Written by Johnny Farina, Santo Farina and Ann Farina

Performed by Santo & Johnny

Courtesy of BMG Ricordi SpA

Under license from BMG Special Products, Inc

"Planet Claire"

Written by Henry Mancini, Kate Pierson, Fred Schneider, Keith Strickland,

Cindy Wilson and Ricky Wilson

Performed by B-52's

Courtesy of Warner Bros Records Inc

By Arrangement with Warner Special Products, and

Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group

Under license from Universal Music Enterprises, and

Courtesy of Man Woman Together Now! Inc

"Hooray For Hollywood"

Written by Richard A Whiting and Johnny Mercer

"Scene D'Amour"

/"The Nightmare"

from "Vertigo"

Written by Bernard Herrmann

Performed by The City of Prague Philharmonic

Conducted by Paul Bateman

Courtesy of Silva Screen Records Ltd

By Arrangement with Source/Q

"Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head"

Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David

Performed by BJ Thomas

Courtesy of King Records Inc

"NAS' Angels The Flyest"

Written by Nas (as Nasir Jones), Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo

Performed by Nas featuring Pharrell Williams (as Pharrell)

NAS appears courtesy of Columbia Records

Pharrell appears courtesy of Virgin Records

http://wwwednasiacom/article-271-sourcesandremediesof *** ogcircuitnoise-Asiahtml#


Analog circuit noise sources and remedies

Microchip Technology Inc Bonnie C Baker

---模拟电路噪声的消除更多地依赖于经验而非科学依据。设计人员经常遇到的情况是电路的模拟硬件部分设计出来以后,却发现电路中的噪声太大,而不得不重新进行设计和布线。这种“试试看”的设计 *** 在几经周折之后最终也能获得成功。不过,避免噪声问题的更好 *** 是在设计初期进行决策时就遵循一些基本的设计准则,并运用与噪声相关的基本原理等知识。本文将探讨 12位A/D转换系统中的不同噪声源(包括器件噪声、发射噪声和传导噪声)及其消除 *** 。

-- -设计一个低噪声的12位或10位模数转换器(ADC)电路板看起来比较容易,但前提是了解并遵循一些基本的低噪声设计概念和技巧。例如,有人可能认为大多数器件(如放大器和电阻)都可有效地用于12位或10位ADC,所以通常都是根据与噪声无关的参数来选择这些器件。除了器件噪声,电路噪声的另一个来源是传导噪声。在信号到达ADC的输入端之前,传导噪声就已经存在于电路板的走线中了。传导噪声的来源是器件噪声或发射噪声。一些情况下,电路本身的要求决定了器件噪声和发射噪声是不可避免的。传导噪声可能来自模拟信号路径上的器件和电源器件,电路中最常用的电源器件是开关模式电源,甚至是仅采用简单稳压的 “墙上适配器”,此类器件都会产生电源噪声并注入敏感的模拟器件中。电路噪声的第三个来源是辐射噪声。一般来说,辐射噪声可能是由于两条平行且靠近的走线间形成耦合而出现的,也可能来自外部电磁干扰(EMI)信号。

---如果考虑器件的噪声,器件的选择就成为电路设计成败的主要影响因素。此类问题常见于A/D转换电路中放大器/电阻增益级部分。为解决此类问题,可以将放大器更换为低噪声器件并采用阻值更低的电阻来降低系统噪声。传导噪声问题则可通过其他 *** 解决。如果噪声是来自ADC信号路径,在ADC之前增加一个低通滤波器就可有效地降低混叠噪声。正如上文提到的,传导噪声的另一个来源是电源。对于这一问题,可利用扼流圈或阻容(R/C)滤波器对电源线进行滤波。此外,对于所有有源器件,都应当在其电源引脚和地之间增加一个旁路电容。不过,通过接地面,可以消除大部分传导噪声。最后,针对由于走线之间的耦合而带来辐射噪声,可以将两条走线隔开,通过适当的电路板布局屏蔽或避免外部噪声。如果解决了上述器件噪声、传导噪声和发射噪声等问题,低噪声12位ADC电路板的设计就很容易了。

-- -图1是一个12位ADC电路的例子。如图所示,信号来自一个电阻负载单元,器件号码为LCL816-G。LCL816-G的差分输出端口连接到一个分立式双运放仪表放大器(A1、A2、R3、R4和RG)。然后,信号通过一个二阶低通滤波器(A3、R5、R6、C1和C2),该低通滤波器可消除频率更高的混叠噪声,从而消除进入ADC的有害误差。最后,信号耦合到一个12位ADC(A4,Microchip公司的MCP3201)。转换器可接受0~5V 的信号,输出发送至单片机(Microchip PIC16C623)。一个整流器/AC至DC转换器(墙上适配器)将来自交流插座的交流输入转换为所需要的9V直流电源,再利用LM7805将电源稳压到5V。扼流圈L1的作用是进一步降低电源纹波和噪声。

---如果电路设计时没有采取上述低噪声措施,那么很容易产生类似图2的输出。在图2中,ADC(MCP3201)的输出端以30 ksps的数据速率采集1024个样本。围绕着码字2982,这些样本的码宽为44。根据这一数据,系统的精度约为545位。显然,这一电路的精度对于 12位系统是不够的。


---R3 = 300kΩ;

---R4 = 100kΩ;

---RG = 4020Ω;

---A1 = A2 =单电源CMOS运放MCP604(Microchip);





---采取低噪声措施的改进电路和电路板则可产生一个精确的12位解决方案。首先,通过采用噪声更低的放大器和电阻来解决器件噪声问题。例如,当电阻值减小10倍时,增益保持不变,但噪声降低了约3倍。此外,放大器也要从MCP604更换为MCP6024。MCP604在1kHz时的电压噪声密度为 29nV/√Hz(典型值),而MCP6024在10kHz时的电压噪声密度为87nV/√Hz(典型值),改善了3倍多。通过在印刷电路板(PCB)的背面设置接地面可以解决传导噪声问题。由于实现了接地面,金属层中断与信号路径分别处于两个平行的平面,而不是同一平面。经过这些修改后,电路板的性能有显著改善。测试显示,ADC输出码的分布直方图的码宽度从44减小至9个码字。

-- -这一巨大改变使得图1中的电路性能达到约9位系统的水平,但实际上还可以达到12位系统的性能。为解决传导噪声问题,可在ADC之前增加了一个二阶低通滤波器,以减少A/D转换过程中的混叠信号。滤波器是采用FilterLab模拟滤波软件工具设计的。此外,可通过采用旁路电容进一步降低传导噪声。最后,通过采用扼流圈L1对电源进行过滤,将传导噪声的影响降到最小。这些改进使系统成为一个真正的12位精确系统。如图3所示,模数转换器的输出端以30 ksps数据速率采集1024个样本,所有样本都等于一个码:2941。


● 检查电路中使用的器件并保证它们均是低噪声器件。

● 永远在电路板的一层布设不间断的接地面。

● 对于混合信号电路中的信号,利用低通抗混叠滤波器进行正确的滤波。

● 对所有器件进行适当的旁路设计;电容要尽量靠近器件的电源引脚。

● 对电源进行恰当的滤波。


1 Bonnie C Baker Reading and Using Fast

Fourier Transforms (FFTs) AN681 Microchip

Technology Inc

2 Bonnie C Baker Anti-Aliasing, Analog Filters

for Data Acquisition Systems AN699 Microchip

是歌曲《I Wanna change》,该歌曲同时也是《热血高校》的主题曲。

歌曲:I Wanna change







(つた)えておきたい 事(こと)がある


今(いま)は远(とお)く 远(とお)く见(み)える灯(あかり)でも












羽(はね)は太阳(たいよう)に(や)かれ 飞(と)ぶこともできないか


俺(おれ)は飞(と)びたい 飞(と)びA(つづ)けたい


俺(おれ)は飞(と)びたい 飞(と)びA(つづ)けたい









《I Wanna change》,该歌曲收录在专辑《クローズZERO II オリジナルサウンドトラック》中,由BMG公司发行于2009-04-08,该张专辑包含了19首歌曲。


1、Semësha演唱的《I Wanna change》,该歌曲收录在专辑《I Wanna Change》中,由White Noise Vision公司发行于2018-11-13,该张专辑包含了1首歌曲。

2、David演唱的《I Wanna change》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Be Better (Vol 2)》中,由Latin Music Section Fits Records公司发行于2017-10-09,该张专辑包含了25首歌曲。

耳机降噪分为主动降噪和被动降噪,原理如下:</p><p>1、主动降噪原理:通过降噪系统产生与外界噪音相等的反向声波,将噪音中和,从而实现降噪的效果。主动式降噪耳机带有与外界噪声抗衡的降噪电路它们大部分采用体积较大的头戴式设计,可利用耳塞棉和耳机外壳等构造阻挡外界噪声,进行之一轮隔音,同时也为了有充足的空间安装主动降噪电路以及电源。</p><p>2、被动降噪原理:通过包围耳朵形成封闭空间,或者采用硅胶耳塞等隔音材料来阻挡外界噪声。由于噪声没有经过降噪电路芯片处理,一般只能阻隔高频噪声,对低频噪声降噪效果不明显。</p><p>:</p><p>耳机是一对转换单元,它接受媒体播放器或接收器所发出的电讯号,利用贴近耳朵的扬声器将其转化成可以听到的音波。耳机一般是与媒体播放器可分离的,利用一个插头连接。好处是在不影响旁人的情况下,可独自聆听音响;亦可隔开周围环境的声响,对在录音室、酒吧、旅途、运动等在噪吵环境下使用的人很有帮助。耳机原是给 *** 和无线电上使用的,但随着可携式电子装置的盛行,耳机多用于手机、随身听、收音机、可携式电玩和数位音讯播放器等。

The environment - preserved and high efficient power switch design not only saves energy but pletely solve the problem of ac noise interference


Since the industrial frequency transformer fulfills the boosting voltage part , most of the inverters have such drawbacks as larger size , more weight and bigger ac noise


With the development of power electronics technology and devices in recent years , instead of using the industrial frequency transformer to boost voltage , dc / dc high frequency converter achieves the function the system has higher power density and conversion efficiency , and the size , weight , ac noise of which has been greatly reduced

近年来,随著电力电子技术与器件的迅速发展,使用dc dc高频变换技术代替工频升压,系统具有较高的功率密度与转换效率,装置体积、重量与交流噪声大大减小。

Widdle me away, Shape my soul, Run it in the ground, Rattle my bones,

Now the light of day, Too far gone, Listen to the sound, Driving it home

You know you missed the point, You know you missed the mark,

You gotta love me in the light, To love me in the dark,

And now I know you understand, You know you had it coming,

Put the pistol in my hand, And then you started running

Come pick your poison, Let all the noise in, Take anything you want

No need to explain, I know how this came, Don't you assume I don't

Oh, I said you're easy on the eyes and it comes as no surprise and if we want each other cock it, and pull it, you run for cover and I'll take the bullet

Counting on tonight, Stuck on you,

Counting on a fight, Punch drunk true,

Sorry I returned, Sorry I was late, Now the tables have turned just a simple twist of fate

Don't it make you feel *** all, In light of the world Don't it make you feel tall, A beautiful girl She said I know the plan, I know what i got coming put the pistol in my hand and then you started running

Come pick your poison, Let all the noise in, Take anything you want

No need to explain, I know how this came, Don't you assume I don't

Oh, I said you're easy on the eyes and it comes as no surprise and if we want each other cock it, and pull it, you run for cover and I'll take the bullet