


导读:咖啡的单词是“Coffee”,英式读音是[ˈkɒfi]。一、读音英式读音:[ˈkɒfi]美式读音:[ˈkɑːfi]二、释义Coffee是一个名词,指的是一种由咖啡豆制成的热饮料。咖啡通常具有苦味,含有 *** ,是一种常见的提神饮品。它可以通过






Coffee是一个名词,指的是一种由咖啡豆制成的热饮料。咖啡通常具有苦味,含有 *** ,是一种常见的提神饮品。它可以通过研磨咖啡豆并用热水冲泡而制成。






1 coffee beans:咖啡豆

2 coffee shop:咖啡店

3 coffee break:喝咖啡的休息时间

4 coffee mug:咖啡杯

5 coffee maker:咖啡机


1 Would you like a cup of coffee(你想喝杯咖啡吗?)

2 I usually drink black coffee in the morning(我通常早上喝黑咖啡。)

3 They meet at the coffee shop every Friday(他们每周五在咖啡店见面。)

4 She prefers to have her coffee with a little bit of milk(她喜欢在咖啡里加一点牛奶。)

5 The coffee maker broke, so we couldn't have coffee this morning(咖啡机坏了,所以我们今天早上没法喝咖啡。)





咖啡起源于非洲的埃塞俄比亚,据说是9世纪时被发现的。随着时间的推移,咖啡逐渐传播到其他地区,如 *** 半岛、土耳其、意大利等地。16世纪时,咖啡进入欧洲,并成为社交和商业活动中必不可少的一部分。




适量饮用咖啡可以提神醒脑、改善注意力、增加运动表现等。此外,咖啡还含有抗氧化剂和其他营养物质,对健康有一定的益处。然而,过度饮用咖啡可能会导致 *** 中毒和其他健康问题,所以要适量饮用,并避免在晚上喝咖啡以免影响睡眠。









1 适合咖啡店的英文句子

1:There was a *** ell of coffee pervading the atmosphere 空气里弥漫着咖啡的香味。

2:I'd like some coffee with a laced brandy 我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。

3:I have coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice 我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的习惯。

4:Here, have some coffee on me 来,我请你喝咖啡关于咖啡的英文句子 16句关于咖啡的英文句子 16句。

5:He used to have a cup of coffee preparatory to his work 在工作之前,他总要喝上一杯咖啡。

2 30句咖啡厅专用英语翻译



1, 这是你的找零和小票,请到那边取下饮料,很快就好Here are your receipt and change Please pick up your drink from that side It'll be ready in just a moment2 ,祝你用餐愉快Enjoy (your food)3,不好意思,现在饮料比较多,你先坐一会,一会好了喊你Sorry, we have many orders in queue right now Please be seated first, and we'll call you when your order is ready4,你先坐会,一会好了我帮你拿过去Please wait on your seat We'll bring your food/drink to you when it's ready5,现在这个信用卡机不能用,能付现金吗Sorry, but our credit card machine is not working right now Can you pay cash6,带走还是在这边吃? for here or to go,sir7 能用我们的马克杯(玻璃杯)吗?环保一点Could we use the glass cup for your drink It's more environment freindly8,牛肉 猪肉 鸡肉 鱼肉 beef, pork, chicken, fish9 不好意思让您久等了,谢谢你的等待,这是你要的饮料I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Thanks for being patient This is your drink10,今天需要想吃点什么?和以前一样嘛?What would you like to order today Everything as usual11,要尝试下我们的新品吗?这个是酸的(甜的),有牛肉(樱桃酱)Would you like to try our new food/drink This is sour/sweet, it has beef/cheery jelly12,你先看会,选好了喊我,[我先帮这位**(先生)点单。可以吗?]Take your time Please call me when you are ready [I'll take this lady's/gentleman's order first, Is that all right?](注:方括号中其实不用说。

不过也给译了。)13 请稍等一下,我去找下我们的值班经理帮你解决问题A moment, please I'll go ask our manager to come help you with the problem14 X先生 X**,饮料好了,这边取下Mr X/Ms X, your drink is ready Please come pick it up here15,你好,你是我们随机抽取的顾客心声邀请对象,请看下这张纸上的英文,记得90天内来免费换饮料哦Hello, you have been randomly picked as the invitee of our Voice of Customer program Please read the words on this paper, and remember to bring it to exchange your free drink within 90 days16 要烫的水还是温的??Would you like it very warm or just lukewarm17 刀,叉子,湿纸巾,勺子 knife, fork, moist napkin/wipe, spoon18 要留空间加牛奶吗?Would you like to leave some room for milk/cream19 要帮你加好牛奶吗??要加多少牛奶呢?Would you like me to add milk/cream for you How much do you like20 牛奶已经帮你加在里面了Milk/cream is added21 有3元零钱吗??(零钱)Do you have a change of three Yuan22,欢迎下次再来 Hope to see you again 或者:Thank you and come again23,要帮你打包吗?Do you need me to help pack the remains24,请稍等一下,现在没有零钱了,我换下零钱A moment please I don't have any change left right now Let me go get some25 走出这个木门,直走,厕所在右边Out of this wooden door, go straight ahead, and the bathroom is on the right26 直接连接CHINANET就可以了Simply connect to CHINANET directly27 我可以为你做什么? what can i do for you sir28 你好,请问贵姓?可以让我登记下熟客资料吗?接受我们的短信通知吗?我们有新品或者活动会发信息通知您,您的地址是??Hello, may I know your last name Could you leave some information so we can keep a record for our frequent guest Would you like to receive our text message notification We will send you notifications of our new products or events And your address is。

29 感觉怎么样?味道可以吗?How do you like it It tastes good30 一共XXX元。The total is xxx yuan。

3 求西餐厅常用英语短语

1 寻问餐厅 到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。

此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做更佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 我想去一家价位合理的餐厅。

I want a restaurant with reasonable prices 我想去一家不会吵杂的餐厅。 I'd like a quiet restaurant 我想去一家气氛欢乐、活泼的餐厅。

I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere 是否可建议这一类的餐厅? Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 此地餐厅多集中在那一区? Where is the main area for restaurants? 这附近是否有中国餐厅? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅? Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗? Do you know of any restaurants open now? 我想尝试一下当地食物。 I'd like to have some local food 最近的意大利餐厅在那里? Where is the nearest ltalian restaurant 2 餐厅预约 享受异国美食是出国旅游的乐趣之一,若已打听好何处有美味,不妨在出发前先打 *** 询问是否需订位,以免兴冲冲的出门,却碰上餐厅客满的情况。

*** 预约时,一定要详细告知餐厅预约时间、人数与名字,并且更好询问清楚是否需著正式服装,以免届时失礼。 我需要预约位子吗? Do I need a reservation? 我想要预约3个人的位子。

I'd like to reserve a table for three 我们共有6个人。 We are a group of six 我们大约在8点到达。

We'll come around eight o'clock 我要如何才能到达餐厅? How can I get there? 我想要预约今晚7点2个人的位子。 I'd like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight 我很抱歉。

今晚的客人相当多。 I'm sorry We have so many guests this evening 我们大概需要等多久? How long is the wait 9点应该没问题。

Nine o'clock should be OK 今天的推荐餐是什么? What do you have for today's special? 我们想要面对花园的位子。 We'd like a table with a view of garden 没问题。

请给我你的名字。 It's OK Your name, please 我的名字是洁西卡杨。

My name is Jessica Yang 餐厅是否有任何服装上的规定? Do you have a dress code? 女士是否需著正式服装? Could the ladies wear formal dresses? 请不要穿牛仔裤。 No jeans, please 3 餐厅点餐篇 到异国品尝美食可说是旅游的乐趣之一,然而,若是语言不通,大概就很难品尝餐厅最受好评的菜色了。

因此,学会基本点餐说法,适当的询问服务生,并表达自己喜好,包管可以让自己吃得道地又满足。 请给我菜单。

May I have a menu,please? 是否有中文菜单? Do you have a menu in chinese? 在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗?Would you like something to drink before dinner? 餐厅有些什么餐前酒? What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? 可否让我看看酒单? May I see the wine list? 我可以点杯酒吗? May I order a glass of wine? 餐厅有那几类酒? What kind of wine do you have? 我想点当地出产的酒。 I'd like to have some local wine 我想要喝法国红酒。

I'd like to have Frence red wine 是否可建议一些不错的酒? Could you recommend some good wine? 我可以点餐了吗? May I order,please? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么? What is the specialty of the house? 餐厅有今日特餐吗? Do you have today's special? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗? Can I have the same dish as that? 我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。 I'd like appetizers and meat(fish) dish 我正在节食中。

I'm on a diet 我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。 I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger) 餐厅是否有供应素食餐? Do you have vegetarian dishs? 你的牛排要如何烹调? How do you like your steak? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。

Well done (medium/rare),please 4 餐厅用餐 旅途中品尝异国美食时的兴奋与期待,就好像买了彩券等待开奖一般,你永远不知道结果会是宾果或全军覆没,然而,无论结果如何,它都将是旅程中难忘的回忆。如果菜式不合口味,有时向服务生索取调味酱,自己调味一番,倒也挺入口的。

用完餐付费时,千万别忘了确认帐单数目,以及付些小费表示谢意。 请告诉我要如何食用这道菜? Could you tell me how to eat this? 请把盐(楜椒)传给我。

Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? 请给我一杯水。 I'd like a glass of water, please 请给我一瓶矿泉水。

May I have a bottle of mineral water? 请给我不含碳酸的矿泉水。 Uncarbonated mineral water, please 请再给我一些面包。

May I have some more bread, please 请给我一些甜点。 I'd like a dessert, please 甜点有那几种? What do you have for dessert? 可以给我一些芝士吗? May I have some cheese? 这是什么口味的芝士? What kind of cheese is this? 可以给我一点这个吗? May I have just a little of it? 可不可以不要甜点改要水果? Can I 。

4 30句咖啡厅专用英语翻译



1, 这是你的找零和小票,请到那边取下饮料,很快就好Here are your receipt and change Please pick up your drink from that side It'll be ready in just a moment2 ,祝你用餐愉快Enjoy (your food)3,不好意思,现在饮料比较多,你先坐一会,一会好了喊你Sorry, we have many orders in queue right now Please be seated first, and we'll call you when your order is ready4,你先坐会,一会好了我帮你拿过去Please wait on your seat We'll bring your food/drink to you when it's ready5,现在这个信用卡机不能用,能付现金吗Sorry, but our credit card machine is not working right now Can you pay cash6,带走还是在这边吃? for here or to go,sir7 能用我们的马克杯(玻璃杯)吗?环保一点Could we use the glass cup for your drink It's more environment freindly8,牛肉 猪肉 鸡肉 鱼肉 beef, pork, chicken, fish9 不好意思让您久等了,谢谢你的等待,这是你要的饮料I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Thanks for being patient This is your drink10,今天需要想吃点什么?和以前一样嘛?What would you like to order today Everything as usual11,要尝试下我们的新品吗?这个是酸的(甜的),有牛肉(樱桃酱)Would you like to try our new food/drink This is sour/sweet, it has beef/cheery jelly12,你先看会,选好了喊我,[我先帮这位**(先生)点单。可以吗?]Take your time Please call me when you are ready [I'll take this lady's/gentleman's order first, Is that all right?](注:方括号中其实不用说。

不过也给译了。)13 请稍等一下,我去找下我们的值班经理帮你解决问题A moment, please I'll go ask our manager to come help you with the problem14 X先生 X**,饮料好了,这边取下Mr X/Ms X, your drink is ready Please come pick it up here15,你好,你是我们随机抽取的顾客心声邀请对象,请看下这张纸上的英文,记得90天内来免费换饮料哦Hello, you have been randomly picked as the invitee of our Voice of Customer program Please read the words on this paper, and remember to bring it to exchange your free drink within 90 days16 要烫的水还是温的??Would you like it very warm or just lukewarm17 刀,叉子,湿纸巾,勺子 knife, fork, moist napkin/wipe, spoon18 要留空间加牛奶吗?Would you like to leave some room for milk/cream19 要帮你加好牛奶吗??要加多少牛奶呢?Would you like me to add milk/cream for you How much do you like20 牛奶已经帮你加在里面了Milk/cream is added21 有3元零钱吗??(零钱)Do you have a change of three Yuan22,欢迎下次再来 Hope to see you again 或者:Thank you and come again23,要帮你打包吗?Do you need me to help pack the remains24,请稍等一下,现在没有零钱了,我换下零钱A moment please I don't have any change left right now Let me go get some25 走出这个木门,直走,厕所在右边Out of this wooden door, go straight ahead, and the bathroom is on the right26 直接连接CHINANET就可以了Simply connect to CHINANET directly27 我可以为你做什么? what can i do for you sir28 你好,请问贵姓?可以让我登记下熟客资料吗?接受我们的短信通知吗?我们有新品或者活动会发信息通知您,您的地址是??Hello, may I know your last name Could you leave some information so we can keep a record for our frequent guest Would you like to receive our text message notification We will send you notifications of our new products or events And your address is。

29 感觉怎么样?味道可以吗?How do you like it It tastes good30 一共XXX元。The total is xxx yuan。





1 Grande(格兰德)


2 drury(德鲁里)


3 Veroniki(维罗尼基)


4 Lucille(露西尔)


5 heck(黑克,赫克)


6 melantha(米兰达,魅兰莎)


7 cherrie(雪莉,彻里)










Coffee is life, bitter and sweet are included


That afternoon, the cup of coffee, let me understand: we who are not who, you are waiting for the coffee to add sugar, I am looking forward to someone who will share the bitter coffee alone


Coffee is not in the mood, the mood is just a coffee person


Some people say that coffee and tea such as product life, such as life Because of this, he love the original taste of coffee, always love without any saccharin coffee


A cup of coffee is cold, there is always another cup of boiling on the stove we witness forever in the cafe


Without you years, add the sugar coffee, is bitter My company is still those sad words, panic looking past, desperately looking for, was removed, this has been in the world where you dwell, and tireless


The *** ell of coffee in the air in the room, so I miss the lost love


Drink coffee, should be timely and contacts to talk to the object At this time, be sure to also voice, not loud, not a joke, and hands and feet, play the chase chase Otherwise, it can only damage the scene atmosphere of coffee


He stared into the glass wall of the coffee house The corner easily appears extremely lonely The pale yellow light to create a warm atmosphere, let her lonely figure looks more gentle


You will not suddenly appear in the corner coffee shop, I will bring a *** ile, and you say, do not talk about the past, just say, you say, just say, haven't met in a long time


Over coffee, in order not to hurt the stomach, often by some quasi cakes, nuts, fruits, *** all food at the same time When you need to use dessert, you must first drop the coffee cup While drinking coffee, don't have dessert at the same time


A lot of people do not like the coffee bursts of bitter taste, especially carbon burn, that one is far more than the traditional Chinese medicine also suffered dozens of times the taste, a lot of people are not acceptable


The rain will become coffee, seeds will quote rose, is a travel date, leaving is to experience the taste of loneliness, not Renpei, blame coffee drink drunk, go on the road one tired, rain touched broken, only the most Pcious friend

14、握咖啡杯的得体 *** 是伸出右手,用拇指和食指握住杯耳后,再轻缓地端起杯子。不可以双手桓杯或用手托着杯底,也不可以俯身就着杯子喝。洒落在碟子上面的咖啡用纸巾吸干。

Coffee cup is the right way to extend the right hand, with the thumb and index finger to hold the cup ear, and then gently gently to the end of the cup A cup or can not hands cupped the bottom of the cup, can not drink the cup is over On the plate there coffee with a paper towel


In fact, just like drinking coffee, some people just love beer, some people only love wine, but some people drink what wine


I don't like to drink coffee, but I like the taste of the coffee house Our not to meet, perhaps is a kind of fate, thank God, we learn to cherish!


As far as I'm concerned, I don't like sweet coffee I think it's too sweet or coffee with sugar


People focus on their own heart is a kind of wonderful beauty, this kind of beauty is like the taste of coffee, make people intoxicated


Don't ask questions when they are drinking coffee You drink coffee to talk before, it is best to use paper towels to wipe your mouth, so let the coffee dirty mouth


If anyone dare to say you are bitter, I threw him into the abyss of hell, he was in torment, until he remembered you, remember your sweet


Sit alone in a corner of the cafe, the lights dim incidence, no coffee and snacks, only a cup of water


Love in a moonlight night all night, wearing a headset, just holding a cup of coffee, a person alone, enjoying this beautiful song


Saturday afternoon, we sat in the cafe chat, I like the taste of the coffee house, like it in the details of the processing of the aesthetic feeling, there is a combination of elegance and romance


A drop of fragrant entrance, is the attitudes of the world The light is not silence no honey aftertaste gan The taste is infinite


Coffee bitter and sweet does not lie in how to mix, but lies in whether the sugar; a pain is not how to forget, but lies in whether has the courage to start again


The world of coffee is *** all, but it is very delicate and profound


Tasting coffee, not only is a taste of the enjoyment, it is a physical and psychological bapti *** , through the taste of coffee, I not only gain a friendship, but also the harvest of life!


Put a cup of coffee on the desk, I will savor the taste of bitter, in fact, it is not enough for themselves but have bitter flavor


At dawn, another tomorrow, drink coffee, looked at the residue, the cup laughed, understand, edge to edge, as do the circadian cycle, but also need to continue to stray, day


Coffee bitter and sweet, does not lie in how to mix, but lies in whether the sugar; a pain, not in how to forget, but lies in the courage to start again


Life, like a good coffee Love is to make life sweet sugar The blessing is to let the life become mianxiang toffee You are the beautiful coffee cup, carrying my sweet and happiness


In formal occasions, the coffee is filled into the cup, and then put on the plate together with the table The role of the plate is mainly used to place the coffee spoon, and to receive the overflow of the cup of coffee

33、你不能像 *** 一样给我无尽的幻想,却总在我疲惫时给我欲罢不能的冲动,在那一个个数不尽的午夜里伴我左右,我想我早已习惯了你的味道。

You don't like marijuana like give me endless fantasy, but when I'm tired for me to stop the impulse, in that one of the countless night around me, I think I have been accustomed to the taste of you


Cafe two person, I was sitting alone, two people in the world, I am a person in the solo Care, love, in deep nostalgia in the show, at this time, it was, I have nowhere to recover


Late at night, turn on the computer and make a habit of making a cup of coffee With a whiff of perfume slowly entrance, slightly a little bitter, but then gradually have a few strands of sweet unrecoginized heart


Put a cup of coffee on the desk, I will savor the taste of bitter, in fact, it is not hard enough but for yourself


Coffee filled with incense, how many lovers heart, how much her touching love Even the air, with flamboyant dust in the romantic atmosphere


Coffee becomes more mellow in a time of grinding, our feelings are stronger day by day in collision


At the end of the heart of the Nanshan cup of coffee, too horrible to look at appearance, it goes into the coffee hot tears of pain and happiness of the past lingering death, cutting pain